P1 - Fortalecimiento de las capacidades para reducir la vulnerabilidad social

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    Diagnóstico situacional de la gestión social de los sistemas de distribución de agua para el consumo humano del municipio de Pucarani
    (Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo". VLIR-UOS., 2020) Guillén Aguirre, Natalie; Birbuet Brañez, Fabiana
    La investigación tiene como objetivo principal describir la Gestión Social de los Sistemas de Distribución de Agua para el Consumo Humano (SDACH), a través de sus principales componentes. Para ello se utilizó un muestreo probabilístico, con el que fueron seleccionadas 1.025 familias. Del total de la muestra de participantes 58% fueron mujeres; con una media de edad de 49 años. Los datos recogidos muestran que la mayor parte de la muestra recibe agua por cañería (77,1%). Un 37.2% de la población piensa que el agua no es suficiente. Así mismo casi el 60% no está satisfecho con el servicio que recibía. Un 34.1% reportó no tener agua durante la época de sequía. This study aimed to describe the water distribution systems social management through their main components. To accomplish this, it was made a probabilistic sample to choose 1025 families to participate in this study. In this sample, 58% of it were women with an average of 49 years old. The main results show that most of the sample have access to water by pipeline system (77,1%) A 37.2% of the sample thinks that the water isn´t enough for them. Almost 60% says that they are not satisfied whit the service of water. And a 34.1% says that they don´t have enough water in the dry season. The main results related to the organization structure stand out that almost half of the sample (48.4%) doesn’t know their community management area. Only 60% says that there exists a person who is in charge of water distribution systems management. Related to the financial resources, only 61.3% of the sample has been charged for the water service and only half of it pays for the service (49.2%). The community participation related to the water distribution systems management, 20% told that ever was a member of t their community management area. The results show that exists differences between sections of the area of work. Showing that the south section has the most difficult issues related to management. The Municipality of Pucarani is a very extensive area, with a lot of differences between it sections, and the results show that the public politics are applied in the same way in the same way despite the difference in management characteristics and resources