Para entender la seguridad alimentaria a nivel hogar en una determinada zona de estudio, es fundamental caracterizar previamente las principales características socioeconómicas y productivas de la misma. Tener un entendimiento ...
Este informe es producto del componente Género del Proyecto CREA cuyo propósito es promover la equidad de género dentro de la comunidad universitaria de la Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo” (UCB). En este, se ...
The intention of young people to undertake can be important to contribute to the development of the economy of a country, in this sense, the objective of the present investigation has been to determine the relationships ...
The study aims to provide an understanding of university entrepreneurship ecosystems and the main lines of research, for which the Theory of Meta-Analytic Consolidated Approach (TEMAC) was used. The results indicate that ...
Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) adjusts to changes in its socioecological system (SES). We focus on understanding if and how TEK´s spiritual, social, and ecological aspects relate to each other and examine the main ...
The Santa Cruz department in Bolivia is characterized by a wide range of ecosystems and by its richness in water resources. In recent years, extended drought caused by climate change has led to extensive fire events. ...
Rivers are ecosystems that are constituted as indicators of environmental quality thanks to the different types of environmental, and socioeconomic services they offer. Due to the constant expansion of cities, the pollution ...
Groundwater plays a vital role in human consumption and irrigation in many parts of Bolivia; yet, the absence of policies to regulate its extraction and protect groundwater recharge areas has led to a decline in water ...
Las comunidades Indígenas Andino-bolivianas del Titicaca dependen a menudo de sus recursos naturales para garantizar su seguridad alimentaria, lo que las hace especialmente vulnerables a fluctuaciones ambientales y cambios ...
The accelerated deterioration of water quality in the city of Tarija, Bolivia, has caused several water sources in the Municipality of Tarija to be discontinued due to the presence of toxic contaminants. The current water ...
Manganese is the Earth’s crust’s third most abundant transition metal. Decades of increased mining activities worldwide have inevitably led to the release of large amounts of this metal into the environment, specifically ...
El presente artículo analiza las características de la investigación que relaciona el contenido mediático con los problemas ambientales mundiales. Realiza una revisión de literatura científica que aborda la comunicación y ...
Vigabriel Navarro, Luz María; Osorio Leyton, Javier Mauricio; Quezada Lambertin, Carlos Eduardo; Benavides Lopez, Jean Paul(Universidad Católica Boliviana "'San Pablo". Programa VLIR - UOS., 2024-08-21)
Este estudio explora el potencial de los vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV) y el análisis de imágenes multiespectrales para estimar la biomasa del cultivo de cebada en el altiplano boliviano. Utilizando un dron equipado ...
The Valle Alto basin in Bolivia is of national importance as an agricultural area and its water resources are essential for the subsistence of the local population and vital for the economic development of the country. ...
Figueroa Márquez, Ingrid Fabiana; Leigue Fernández, María Alejandra; Angulo Reyes, María Rosalva(Universidad Católica Boliviana "'San Pablo". Programa VLIR - UOS., 2023-07-10)
Water purification continues to be a matter of concern in several rural areas in Bolivia. Within SDG 6, affordable and accessible methods are sought for water treatment in remote areas. This work aimed to evaluate the ...
Ruiz Martínez, Stephanie Sabrina; Vega Guzmán, Álvaro; Angulo Reyes, María Rosalva; Leigue Fernández, María Alejandra(Universidad Católica Boliviana "'San Pablo". Programa VLIR - UOS., 2023-07-10)
In the last decade, Bolivia has consolidated its position as one of the main producers of hydrocarbons and their derivatives, but due to hydrocarbon activities, large oil spills have occurred throughout the country, affecting ...
Aliaga Medrano, Evelyn; Soria Cespedes, Freddy; d'Abzac, Paul(Universidad Católica Boliviana "'San Pablo". Programa VLIR - UOS., 2023-07-10)
The high-altitude wetlands in the Central Andes are unique ecosystems located above 4000 masl in the Bolivian Altiplano. The analysis and classification of spatial information is a crucial step in the identification of ...
Bolivia's chaotic development has led to alarming environmental pollution over the last 50 years, and is exposing rural communities to an increasing socioeconomic and environmental vulnerability. This situation has provoked, ...
Rodríguez Villarroe, Carol Marina(Universidad Católica Boliviana "'San Pablo". Programa VLIR - UOS., 2023-07-10)
In the community of La Maica, the last agricultural area in the municipality of Cochabamba, Bolivia, it has been shown that the irrigation water used is not of adequate quality. This situation can have a direct effect on ...