P2 - Contribución a la gestión integrada del agua
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://repositorio.ucb.edu.bo/handle/20.500.12771/83
Item Aproximaciones iniciales en el uso de modelos espaciales para calcular el balance de agua superficial en Tiraque, Bolivia(Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo". VLIR-UOS., 2020) Rodríguez Levy, IntiEl presente trabajó se realize en el Municipio de Tiraque, zona de acción del Programa País VLIR UOS UCB. Debido a la historia de conflictos en el área, cualquier enfoque externo para investigar temas de agua no suele ser bienvenido. Por lo tanto, fué necesario buscar asistencia de otras instituciones con mayor presencia en Tiraque para ser aceptados por las comunidades. En este caso, las ONG INCCA y Solidagro nos ayudaron a llegar a la comunidad Virvini para esta investigación, ya que en el pasado, esta comunidad mostró predisposición a trabajar con investigadores. Sin embargo, dado que este es un estudio de hidrología, no tiene sentido trabajar a nivel comunitario, por lo que el área de estudio es la cuenca alrededor de Virvini.Item ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFICIENCY AS COAGULANT-FLOCCULANT OF MUCILAGE OBTAINED FROM PRICKLY PEAR (Opuntia ficus-indica)(Universidad Católica Boliviana "'San Pablo". Programa VLIR - UOS., 2023-07-10) Figueroa Márquez, Ingrid Fabiana; Leigue Fernández, María Alejandra; Angulo Reyes, María RosalvaWater purification continues to be a matter of concern in several rural areas in Bolivia. Within SDG 6, affordable and accessible methods are sought for water treatment in remote areas. This work aimed to evaluate the efficiency as a coagulant-flocculant of the mucilage obtained from the Prickly Pear (Opuntia ficus - indica), a wild-growing plant, to remove turbidity from the surface and synthetic waters. The mucilage was extracted with 96% ethanol, dried and pulverized. Turbidity, coagulant dose, and initial pH modification were determined. River water samples with turbidity between 117 to 120 NTU and synthetic water with turbidity between 50 to 683 NTU were used. The optimal dose for river water was 35 mg/L and an efficiency of 80.40±1.16% and 20 mg/L and 82.9±1.68% efficiency for synthetic water of similar turbidity. In both cases, the pH of the water did not change. The results show that the mucilage is more efficient in water with high turbidity (>110 NTU). Additionally, coagulation, followed by a filtration stage, would allow reaching the turbidity established in the regulations for drinking water.Item Base de datos hidrogeológicos enfocada al modelamiento de aguas subterráneas en San José de Chiquitos. Santa Cruz, Bolivia(2019-10) Guzmán Rojo, Mónica Ximena; Añez Melgar, FabianaLa confiabilidad y validez de los estudios hidrogeológicos dependen en gran medida de la disponibilidad de un gran volumen de datos integrados en una estructura que permita construir los modelos, ejecutar simulaciones y que sea amigable con el usuario. Lo anterior, constituye la mejor herramienta para la toma de decisiones sobre manejo de aguas subterráneas. Con esta meta se construyó en la región de San José de Chiquitos, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, la primera base de datos hidrogeológica, en un sistema de información geográfica (SIG) que integra la información topográfica, meteorológica, hidrogeológica e hidrogeoquímica del municipio, y que cuenta con las condiciones para vincularse al software de modelación MODFLOW y realizar simulaciones numéricas de flujo subterráneo. A la fecha, la información del acuífero y del monitoreo que nutre la base de datos es limitada, sin embargo, su continua generación puede actualizarla y consecuentemente mejorar la simulación de diferentes escenarios de modelación que apoyen la toma de decisiones en el manejo de agua. Este proyecto constituye la primera fase de la tesis doctoral de “Manejo sustentable del acuífero de San José de Chiquitos, Santa Cruz, Bolivia”, que se desarrolla en el marco del proyecto “Contribución a la gestión integrada del agua en Bolivia”, realizado por la Universidad Católica Boliviana, en coordinación con la Universidad Libre de Bruselas, Bélgica. La meta de esta investigación es desarrollar un modelo numérico en MODFLOW introduciendo elementos conceptuales y subrutinas que hagan fácil su ejecución por parte del usuario a través de ArcGIS. The reliability and validity of hydrogeological studies depend mainly on the availability of a large volume of data integrated in a structure that allows the models to be built, simulations to run and be user friendly. The above is the best tool for decision making on groundwater management. With this goal, the first hydrogeological data base was built in the region of San José de Chiquitos, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, in a geographic information system (GIS) that integrates the topographic, meteorological, hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical information of the municipality, and that has the conditions to be linked to the modeling software MODFLOW and perform numerical simulations of groundwater. To date, the aquifer and monitoring information that feeds the database is limited, however, its continuous generation can update it and consequently improve the simulation of different modeling scenarios that support decision making in water management. This project constitutes the first phase of the doctoral thesis of "Sustainable management of the aquifer of San José de Chiquitos, Santa Cruz, Bolivia", which is developed within the framework of the "Contribution to integrated water management in Bolivia" project, carried out by the Bolivian Catholic University, in coordination with the Free University of Brussels, Belgium. The goal of this research is to develop a numerical model in MODFLOW by introducing conceptual elements and subroutines that make it easy for the user to execute through ArcGIS.Item BIOREMEDIATION OF HYDROCARBON CONTAMINATED SOILS THROUGH BIOSTIMULATION WITH SEWAGE SLUDGE - PILOT SCALE EXPERIMENTATION(Universidad Católica Boliviana "'San Pablo". Programa VLIR - UOS., 2023-07-10) Ruiz Martínez, Stephanie Sabrina; Vega Guzmán, Álvaro; Angulo Reyes, María Rosalva; Leigue Fernández, María AlejandraIn the last decade, Bolivia has consolidated its position as one of the main producers of hydrocarbons and their derivatives, but due to hydrocarbon activities, large oil spills have occurred throughout the country, affecting the flora, fauna, soil and water in different regions. Soil alterations caused by oil spills and/or its derivatives, caused accidentally or by bad practices, affect the physicochemical and biological properties of the soil, irremediably degrading it. The objective was to evaluate in a pilot scale experiment, the results of the use of sewage sludge in the bioremediation process of soils contaminated with hydrocarbons and/or their derivatives. The experiment lasted 90 days and consisted of 7 plots of contaminated soil to which stabilized sludge was added at concentrations of 0%, 30%, 50% and 70%, all with a duplicate except for the 0% treatment. Total heterotrophs, nitrates, phosphates and TPH were evaluated monthly in each plot. The results were satisfactory in terms of TPH removal, especially in the plot containing 30% sewage sludge and 70% contaminated soil; this plot obtained a minimum of 42.9% removal of the contaminant.Item COMPARISON OF MICROPLASTICS LEVELS IN THE AIR OF AGRICULTURAL AND URBAN AREAS OF THE CITY OF COCHABAMBA, BOLIVIA(Universidad Católica Boliviana "'San Pablo". Programa VLIR - UOS., 2023-07-10) Oporto Tapia, Valeria; Escobar Camacho, Ivan Federico Xavier; Luján Pérez, Marcos Luis; d'Abzac, PaulMicroplastics are considered emerging pollutants and, in recent years have been found in all environmental compartments, even in living organisms. Their relationship with health problems was highlighted. Cochabamba is one of the cities most affected by air pollution in Latin America and there are marked differences in air quality levels between the south and north zones. La Maica, in the southern zone, is the last agricultural area of the city of Cochabamba and the northern zone is a urban area. Thus, the southern zone is characterized by higher levels of particulate matter (PM10) than the northern zone. The study seeks to compare the levels of microplastics in the air between these two zones of the city. Microplastics were characterized using commonly used density separation and optical identification techniques. The results highlighted the presence of microplastics in the air of the two zones and showed that the levels of microplastics and PM10 particles are inversely proportional under the monitoring conditions of the study. This result can be related to the environmental and socioeconomic conditions of each zoneItem Conservación de fuentes de agua y recarga hídrica en la microcuenca de Virvini - Tiraque(Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo". VLIR-UOS., 2020) Vargas Elío, Andrea TatianaItem Contaminación Hídrica y Derecho a la Seguridad Alimentaria de Comunidades Indígenas Andino-bolivianas del Titicaca en la cuenca Katari(Universidad Católica Boliviana "'San Pablo". Programa VLIR - UOS., 2024-01-30) Rivera Gironas, Nicole; Garnica Gonzalez, Camila Abril; Salvatierra Terrazas, Belen Isamar; Villafuerte Philippsborn, Leonardo; Agramont Akiyama, AfnanLas comunidades Indígenas Andino-bolivianas del Titicaca dependen a menudo de sus recursos naturales para garantizar su seguridad alimentaria, lo que las hace especialmente vulnerables a fluctuaciones ambientales y cambios en el ecosistema. Bajo ese criterio, el presente estudio aplica una metodología cualitativa para analizar la relación existente entre la seguridad alimentaria de las comunidades de la región de la bahía de Cohana (tomando como caso de estudio a la comunidad de Chojasivi) y la contaminación hídrica presente en la cuenca Katari. Los resultados revelan que dicha contaminación ha generado un efecto potencial en el acceso, disponibilidad, uso y estabilidad en el tiempo de los alimentos que componen la canasta básica de los comunarios.Item Contribution to integrated water management in Bolivia Investigación Doctoral - Cochabamba(Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo". VLIR-UOS., 2020) Rodríguez Levy, IntiItem Critical Analysis of Stakeholders in the Municipality of Tarija, Bolivia, in Search of Strategies for Adequate Water Governance to Implement Reverse Osmosis as an Alternative for Generating Safe Water for Its Inhabitants(Universidad Católica Boliviana "'San Pablo". Programa VLIR - UOS., 2023-09-04) Villena-Martínez, Esteban Manuel; Alvizuri Tintaya, Paola Andrea; Lo-Iacono-Ferreira, Vanesa Gladys; Lora-García, Jaime; Torregrosa López, Juan Ignacio; Sánchez Barrero, Lorena; Fernández, Alejandra Leigue; D’Abzac, PaulThe accelerated deterioration of water quality in the city of Tarija, Bolivia, has caused several water sources in the Municipality of Tarija to be discontinued due to the presence of toxic contaminants. The current water purification systems that are used in Tarija do not guarantee the elimination of heavy metals; in addition, political and social interest conflicts are a serious problem in the execution of projects and new public investment alternatives, with these being the main problems found in the sector. Reverse osmosis (RO) water purification technologies are one of the most effective contemporary alternatives for the elimination of contaminants in water, such as heavy metals; however, their application and implementation in countries with little or no experience in this type of technology require acceptance and knowledge on behalf of the interested parties. Political and social conflicts between interested parties generate scenarios that affect hydrological planning. Analysis of the actors in the urban and municipal sphere of the city of Tarija, Bolivia, provides a case study for adequate water governance and enabled us to come to a consensus for the implementation of RO. The results show 23 fundamental actors in water management in the Municipality of Tarija, with local actors being those with the greatest influence and power in decision-making. Our analysis of social networks showed an important polarization in the power of decision makers, with municipalities and legislative entities being those that decide on public investments. The interested parties showed considerable interest in the application of RO as a technology that can provide definitive, short-term solutions to the problems of water stress and the water crisis in the Municipality of Tarija and its application in small towns with a high level of social and environmental vulnerability.Item Determinación de poblaciones vulnerables en sectores críticos de la Cuenca del Río Rocha en Bolivia(Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo"- CReA - VLIR-UOS., 2023) Avendaño-Acosta, Nithya; Alvizuri-Tintaya, Paola Andrea; Lo-Iacono-Ferreira, Vanesa GladysRivers are ecosystems that are constituted as indicators of environmental quality thanks to the different types of environmental, and socioeconomic services they offer. Due to the constant expansion of cities, the pollution of rivers is becoming increasingly critical, especially in those rivers that cross or are close to urban centers. In developing countries, such as Bolivia, rivers are an accessible and invaluable source of water for use and consumption, so preserving their quality is essential. There are numerous studies of the water quality of the Rocha River carried out by various institutions that verified the increase in contamination in the body of water. However, the vulnerability for populations and ecosystems have not yet been identified for the entire basin. This research compiled and crossed the available information on anthropogenic activities, water quality, and population distribution to expose the impact on water quality and thus identify vulnerable populations in critical sectors of the Rocha River basin. This study is the base for formulating mitigation actions in the identified areas, to reduce the risk to public health and ecosystems.Item Determination of the natural potential groundwater recharge in the Valle Alto basin, Bolivia, through a soil water balance(Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo"- CReA - VLIR-UOS., 2022-10-12) Apaza Coria, Cristian J.; Rodriguez-Levy, Inti E.; Delfin Soruco, Mirko; Huysmans, MarijkeThe Valle Alto basin in Bolivia is of national importance as an agricultural area and its water resources are essential for the subsistence of the local population and vital for the economic development of the country. Guaranteeing groundwater availability in this basin is crucial, considering that aquifers are the main source of water for irrigation and human consumption. In order to manage these resources sustainably, it is necessary to know the location and extent of the groundwater recharge. Thus, a soil water balance was performed using the Schosinsky method, in order to calculate the recharge rate and delimit the potential groundwater recharge areas in the Valle Alto basin. Rainfall was considered as the main input source for the model and 24 biophysical variables were characterized. This characterization included the evaluation of global circulation models, the geospatial delimitation of soil units and the analysis of 212 soil profiles. Based on the monthly balance, an annual recharge rate of 65.68 mm was estimated for the 2006–2020 period, corresponding to 121.11 × 106 m3 of recharged water. Of this volume, 80% is produced during the wet season (from December to March) and, spatially, the northeast region of the basin has the greatest potential for groundwater recharge. The obtained results from this research constitute an initial but important milestone, as they are the first of this nature for the Valle Alto basin on a regional level. Spanish: En Bolivia, la cuenca del Valle Alto es de gran importancia nacional como área agrícola y sus recursos hídricos son esenciales para la subsistencia de la población local y vitales para el desarrollo económico del país. Garantizar la disponibilidad de agua subterránea en esta cuenca es crucial, considerando que sus acuíferos son la principal fuente de agua para riego y consumo humano. Para gestionar estos recursos de forma sostenible, es necesario conocer la ubicación y la capacidad de las zonas recarga del agua subterránea. En tal sentido, para esta investigación se calculó un balance hídrico del suelo mediante el método propuesto por Schosinsky, con el fin de calcular la tasa de recarga y delimitar las áreas potenciales de recarga hídrica en la cuenca del Valle Alto. Se consideró la lluvia como la principal fuente de entrada del modelo y se caracterizaron 24 variables biofísicas. Esta caracterización incluyó la evaluación de modelos de circulación global, la delimitación geoespacial de unidades de suelo y el análisis de 212 perfiles de suelo. Con base en el balance mensual, se estimó una tasa de recarga anual de 65.68 mm para el período 2006–2020, correspondiente a 121.11 × 106 m3 de agua recargada. De este volumen, el 80% se produce durante la estación húmeda (de diciembre a marzo). Por otro lado, se determinó que la región noreste de la cuenca tiene el mayor potencial de recarga de aguas subterráneas. Los resultados obtenidos de esta investigación constituyen un hito inicial pero importante, ya que son los primeros de esta naturaleza para la cuenca del Valle Alto a nivel regional.Item Development and Application of a Methodology for the Identification of Potential Groundwater Recharge Zones: A Case Study in the Virvini Micro-Basin, Tiraque, Bolivia(Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo"- CReA - VLIR-UOS., 2023-03-23) Rodríguez-Levy, Inti E.; Centellas-Levy, Miguel A.; Ferreira, Wanderley J.; Touhidul Mustafa, Syed Md; Rivera-Rodriguez, Lilian; Gonzales Amaya, Andres; Huysmans, MarijkeGroundwater plays a vital role in human consumption and irrigation in many parts of Bolivia; yet, the absence of policies to regulate its extraction and protect groundwater recharge areas has led to a decline in water tables and threatened food security. Some municipal initiatives have been implemented to develop regulations, but the lack of reliable hydrogeological data (such as aquifer geometry, groundwater level data, location of potential groundwater recharge zones, and flow dynamics) hinders their effective implementation. The case study presented herein focuses on a municipal policy in Tiraque, Bolivia, aimed at protecting groundwater recharge zones, in addition to the need for a reliable methodology for their technical identification. The EARLI approach (an acronym for “Enhanced Algorithm for Recharge based on the Rainfall and Land cover Inclusion”) is suggested as a participatory-simplified multi-criteria decision method to address the absence of hydrogeological data. This approach was adjusted to the basin’s specific conditions, including local vegetation communities and their influence on infiltration, and was applied as a pilot study in the Virvini micro-basin. The EARLI model emphasizes the spatial distribution of rainfall as an input indicator for potential recharge in addition to the biophysical characteristics of the catchment area. The methodology successfully mapped the degree of groundwater recharge potential and was validated by traditional hydrogeological models, field infiltration measurements, and the local community’s application of the tool. Therefore, the results of this study provide the necessary technical bases for groundwater-integrated management in Tiraque.Item DEVELOPMENT OF A LOW-COST KIT FOR THE ANALYSIS OF IRRIGATION WATER QUALITY IN RURAL BOLIVIAN COMMUNITIES(Universidad Católica Boliviana "'San Pablo". Programa VLIR - UOS., 2023-07-10) Rodríguez Villarroe, Carol MarinaIn the community of La Maica, the last agricultural area in the municipality of Cochabamba, Bolivia, it has been shown that the irrigation water used is not of adequate quality. This situation can have a direct effect on crops and on the quality of agricultural soil, affect surface and groundwater bodies, and affect the health of farmers and consumers. Thus, the deficiency of crop productivity has generated in recent years an increase in the vulnerability of the population in the area. Therefore, in order to better manage irrigation water, the objective of the project was to develop with the community an affordable kit to perform analysis of the main physicochemical characteristics of wáter with natural pigments and locally available materials. After pigment selection, the designed tests were subjected to an analytical validation and a calibration phase of the kit by farmers. The accuracy, sensitivity, relative specificity, reproducibility and repeatability of the kit were determined. Thus, the kit designed allows the analysis of five chemical parameters of water with natural pigments and one biological parameter.Item Evaluación de la calidad del agua de la quebrada cabeza de toro, Provincia Cercado-Tarija, empleando criterios fisicoquímicos, ecotoxicológicos y bióticos.(2019-10) Angulo Reyes, M. Rosalva; Segovia Segovia, Álvaro; Ossio Orosco, LuisThe quality of surface water is determined due to the physicochemical parameters and their compliance with the national regulation, these limits do not necessarily consider the accumulated effects of the contamination on the organisms and the aquatic ecosystem. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the need to include toxicity studies and biotic indicators as a complement to the physicochemical analysis taking as a case study the Cabeza de Toro ravine, in District 10 of the Municipality of Cercado in Tarija, Bolivia. Bioassays were performed using the Tox Track™ method, the inhibition of bacterial respirometric activity was determinate. Four of the six points tested showed a degree of inhibition within the expected, the inhibition degree of the municipal slaughterhouse effluent and the mixture of this with the effluent of the tanneries exceeds 100% of negative inhibition degree. In the germination test, the inhibition in seeds of Allium cepa in sediment samples was determinate, the level of toxicity was determined thru normalized germination index IGN, showing a very high toxicity level. The correlation of toxicity levels with the physicochemical parameters, exhibit a strong negative correlation between the iron concentration and toxicity. The biotic index could not be calculated, considering no organisms were found as described in the guide for the evaluation of benthic organisms.Item Evaluación del Riesgo Genotóxico de Aguas Superficiales y Sistemas de Riego Mediante Estudios Ecotoxicológicos Empleando Células de Raices de Allium cepa.(Universidad Católica Boliviana "'San Pablo". Programa VLIR - UOS., 2022-10-28) Ibañez Solano, Dyler E; Angulo Reyes, M. RosalvaPoco se sabe sobre el efecto que los contaminantes presentes en cuerpos de agua pueden tener sobre los organismos y los ecosistemas. El empleo de métodos basados en efectos permite evaluar la respuesta de organismos vivos a efluentes y aguas superficiales de composición compleja. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar los efectos fitotóxicos y genotóxicos de aguas superficiales usadas para riego, empleando el protocolo para la evaluación genotóxica en cuerpos de agua con células de raíces de cebollines. Los bulbos fueron expuestos a muestras de aguas del río Camacho (RC), el sistema de riego Guadalquivir-CENAVITCalamuchita (GC) y el canal de Riego Calamuchita (CC) en época de estiaje y de lluvias. Se observaron efectos genotóxicos significativos en los bulbos expuestos a muestras de agua de todos los sitios, con leves diferencias entre la estación lluviosa y la seca. En la época de estiaje, el agua de (GC) provocó el mayor porcentaje de micronúcleos (MNC=9,5%) respecto al control (MNC=1,8%), se hipotetiza que el mayor aporte de las aguas residuales de las Lagunas de oxidación de San Luis puede ser la causa. En época de lluvias la frecuencia de micronúcleos del (RC) fueron las más elevadas (MNC=10,2%), respecto del control (MNC=1,5%). Se puede afirmar que existe riesgo genotóxico en todos los sitios evaluados. Para las raíces en época de lluvias, se obtuvo valores de inhibición positivos (hormesis) para las muestras del (RC). En la época de estiaje las diferencias en el crecimiento no fueron estadísticamente significativa en ninguno de los sitios evaluados.Item ‘Fitodepuración de lixiviado del vertedero Municipal de Pampa Galana, Tarija - Bolivia, utilizando especies locales(Universidad Católica Boliviana "'San Pablo". Programa VLIR - UOS., 2022-10-28) Díaz Álvarez, Paolo Jackson; Leigue Fernández, María AlejandraEl riego con lixiviados ofrece la oportunidad de cerrar el ciclo de nutrientes y producir un efluente de calidad adecuada para su vertido. La fitodepuración ha sido identificada como solución tecnológica efectiva, con bajos costos de implementación, fácil operación y mantenimiento disponible para la remoción de contaminantes de suelos y aguas contaminadas. En este marco, se realizó una investigación a escala laboratorio en la Universidad Católica Boliviana Sede Tarija. El objetivo de la investigación: verificar la fitodepuración del lixiviado del vertedero Municipal Pampa Galana ciudad de Tarija, utilizando tres especies ornamentales: Canna Indica, Zantedeschia Aethiopica, Pseudosasa Japonica. La fitodepuración de lixiviados se ha realizado en macetas individuales de aproximadamente 20 litros, con flujo vertical sub-superficial, donde se plantaron las especies ornamentales en un espacio abierto; las macetas se llenaron con sustratos: 1/3 de grava y 2/3 de suelo proveniente del mismo vertedero. Durante la experimentación los prototipos fueron alimentados considerándose una dilución media del 10%, donde se ha evaluado la eficiencia de eliminación de nutrientes: Nitrógeno y Fosfatos, y Demanda Química de Oxigeno (DQO). De los resultados, la especie Canna Indica mostró mejores rendimientos, obteniendo altos porcentajes de remoción: DQO (η hasta 80%), fosfatos (η>70%) y nitrógeno (η>98%). En términos generales, los resultados de todas las especies confirman la viabilidad del uso de diferentes especies en la fitodepuración de lixiviados de rellenos sanitarios. El riego con lixiviados diluidos tampoco afectó al crecimiento de las especies; las plantas regadas con el lixiviado diluido desarrollaron mayor biomasa que las plantas de control.Item Framing Water Policies: A Transdisciplinary Study of Collaborative Governance; the Katari River Basin (Bolivia)(Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo". VLIR-UOS., 2022-11-18) Agramont Akiyama, Afnan; Peres-Cajías, Guadalupe; Villafuerte Philippsborn, Leonardo; Van Cauwenbergh, Nora; Craps, Marc; Van Griensven, AnnCollaborative water governance deals with diverse actors under participatory systems of decision making. This form of water governance involves stakeholders with fundamentally different values and premises about water resources, as well as different understandings of the problem and how to approach it. Thus, one of the major challenges of collaborative water governance relies on the diversity of frames carried by stakeholders involved and the shift from hierarchical decision-making to a more collaborative and participative process. The fragmentation of frames can represent an obstacle, impede mutual understanding, and negatively influence decision making and policy outcomes. Based on participative observation, interviews, and document analysis, we explored the drivers behind the framing process in the multi-actor platform of the Katari River Basin, located in Bolivia. The results highlight a participatory process design favoring the fragmentation of frames and a unidirectional decision-making process, where public authority, scientific–technical expertise, and the local community’s knowledge are insulated, and communication among actors is asymmetrical. At the same time, this research reveals the influence of the political context in the framing process.Item GROUNDWATER RECHARGE AREAS MAPPING IN HIGH-ALTITUDE ANDEAN MOUNTAINS THROUGH MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS(Universidad Católica Boliviana "'San Pablo". Programa VLIR - UOS., 2023-07-10) Aliaga Medrano, Evelyn; Soria Cespedes, Freddy; d'Abzac, PaulThe high-altitude wetlands in the Central Andes are unique ecosystems located above 4000 masl in the Bolivian Altiplano. The analysis and classification of spatial information is a crucial step in the identification of wetlands in scarped topography. The objective of this study was to test machine learning algorithms to map Andean wetlands. The first step consisted on applying the machine learning algorithms Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator LASSO and Receiver Operating Characteristic ROC for the sensitivity analysis. Then, there were compared the Random Forest Regressor RFR, Support Vector Regressor SVR, and Multivariate Adaptative Regression Splines MARS regression supervised machine learning algorithms for the wetlands mapping. Results were validated by Google Earth satellite images and a regression coefficient. The RFR showed good results for areas with slopes of 0 - 32 degrees; the SVR showed good performance for areas with slopes of 44 - 76 degrees, while for areas with slopes of 0 - 12 degrees its performance was inaccurate. The application of the MARS showed trivial results compared to those obtained by the first two algorithms; some results were good for certain areas, areas with slopes of 0 - 12 degrees and 44 - 77 degrees were erroneously flagged.Item Integrating spatial and social characteristics in the DPSIR framework for the sustainable management of river basins: case study of the Katari River Basin, Bolivia(Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo". VLIR-UOS., 2021-10-25) Agramont, Afnan; Van Cauwenbergh, Nora; van Griesven, Ann; Craps, MarcThe drivers–pressures–state–impact–responses (DPSIR) framework has been used widely to support environmental policy developments. However, we argue that DPSIR tends to oversimplify the complexity behind socio-ecological systems. Based on the Katari River Basin in Bolivia, we explore how the incorporation of spatial and social considerations may enhance DPSIR applications. The results reveal a spatial mismatch between driving forces/pressures and policy responses, and severe impacts on the vulnerable communities. Moreover, we also show that local levels tend to be neglected. The study concludes that integrating spatial and social characteristics in the DPSIR may result in valuable implications for river basin management practitioners.Item MANAGEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECTS WITH VULNERABLE COMMUNITIES IN BOLIVIA: UNDERSTANDING, LEARNING, PROPOSING(Universidad Católica Boliviana "'San Pablo". Programa VLIR - UOS., 2023-07-10) d'Abzac, PaulBolivia's chaotic development has led to alarming environmental pollution over the last 50 years, and is exposing rural communities to an increasing socioeconomic and environmental vulnerability. This situation has provoked, in recent years, a phenomenon of migration due to land use change. During this time, many academic and international cooperation environmental projects have been implemented to help these vulnerable populations, but they have had a limited impact due to the complexity of the situation. The Integrated Water Management component of the CReA Project, funded by VLIR, seeks to find solutions to increase the resilience of communities to water-related problems with an integrated and sustainable vision. The transdisciplinary projects developed are carried out with and for the communities, with the support of other national and international actors. The project "Agua y Vida en La Maica" works in a vulnerable agricultural area of the municipality of Cochabamba and established, with the community, a work based on 3 fundamental axes: "Understanding" through research, "Learning" through knowledge exchanges and "Proposing" with the development of tools adapted to the reality of the community.