P2 - Contribución a la gestión integrada del agua

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://repositorio.ucb.edu.bo/handle/20.500.12771/83


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    Multi-Criteria Prioritization ofWatersheds for Post-Fire Restoration Using GIS Tools and Google Earth Engine: A Case Study from the Department of Santa Cruz, Bolivia
    (Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo"- CReA - VLIR-UOS., 2023-10-11) Fernandez, Jeanne; Maillard, Oswaldo; Uyuni, Gerson; Guzmán-Rojo, Mónica; Escobar, Marisa
    The Santa Cruz department in Bolivia is characterized by a wide range of ecosystems and by its richness in water resources. In recent years, extended drought caused by climate change has led to extensive fire events. Combined with deforestation, this is resulting in the degradation of the region’s ecosystems and water resources. To address restoration needs from both a land- and water-management perspective, this study proposes to prioritize restoration areas by applying a multicriteria analysis (MCA) based on two main principles: (1) using the watershed as the main study unit and (2) involving stakeholders in the definition of priority watersheds. Local stakeholders selected criteria representing water resources, biophysical characteristics, land management, productive areas, and fire disaster threats, and reclassified the spatial information based on perceived importance. Different prioritization scenarios were developed and compared in a Google Earth Engine (GEE) application. Priority restoration areas largely depend on the weighting scheme. Focusing solely on past fires leads to prioritizing the south-east basins, while the conservation of the western watersheds becomes more important when increasing the weight of the water resources criteria. This study represents the first step in developing a participatory MCA tool at the watershed scale in Santa Cruz. Highlighting the impact of different prioritization criteria can support collective decision-making around land and watershed restoration.
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    Determinación de poblaciones vulnerables en sectores críticos de la Cuenca del Río Rocha en Bolivia
    (Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo"- CReA - VLIR-UOS., 2023) Avendaño-Acosta, Nithya; Alvizuri-Tintaya, Paola Andrea; Lo-Iacono-Ferreira, Vanesa Gladys
    Rivers are ecosystems that are constituted as indicators of environmental quality thanks to the different types of environmental, and socioeconomic services they offer. Due to the constant expansion of cities, the pollution of rivers is becoming increasingly critical, especially in those rivers that cross or are close to urban centers. In developing countries, such as Bolivia, rivers are an accessible and invaluable source of water for use and consumption, so preserving their quality is essential. There are numerous studies of the water quality of the Rocha River carried out by various institutions that verified the increase in contamination in the body of water. However, the vulnerability for populations and ecosystems have not yet been identified for the entire basin. This research compiled and crossed the available information on anthropogenic activities, water quality, and population distribution to expose the impact on water quality and thus identify vulnerable populations in critical sectors of the Rocha River basin. This study is the base for formulating mitigation actions in the identified areas, to reduce the risk to public health and ecosystems.
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    Development and Application of a Methodology for the Identification of Potential Groundwater Recharge Zones: A Case Study in the Virvini Micro-Basin, Tiraque, Bolivia
    (Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo"- CReA - VLIR-UOS., 2023-03-23) Rodríguez-Levy, Inti E.; Centellas-Levy, Miguel A.; Ferreira, Wanderley J.; Touhidul Mustafa, Syed Md; Rivera-Rodriguez, Lilian; Gonzales Amaya, Andres; Huysmans, Marijke
    Groundwater plays a vital role in human consumption and irrigation in many parts of Bolivia; yet, the absence of policies to regulate its extraction and protect groundwater recharge areas has led to a decline in water tables and threatened food security. Some municipal initiatives have been implemented to develop regulations, but the lack of reliable hydrogeological data (such as aquifer geometry, groundwater level data, location of potential groundwater recharge zones, and flow dynamics) hinders their effective implementation. The case study presented herein focuses on a municipal policy in Tiraque, Bolivia, aimed at protecting groundwater recharge zones, in addition to the need for a reliable methodology for their technical identification. The EARLI approach (an acronym for “Enhanced Algorithm for Recharge based on the Rainfall and Land cover Inclusion”) is suggested as a participatory-simplified multi-criteria decision method to address the absence of hydrogeological data. This approach was adjusted to the basin’s specific conditions, including local vegetation communities and their influence on infiltration, and was applied as a pilot study in the Virvini micro-basin. The EARLI model emphasizes the spatial distribution of rainfall as an input indicator for potential recharge in addition to the biophysical characteristics of the catchment area. The methodology successfully mapped the degree of groundwater recharge potential and was validated by traditional hydrogeological models, field infiltration measurements, and the local community’s application of the tool. Therefore, the results of this study provide the necessary technical bases for groundwater-integrated management in Tiraque.
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    Contaminación Hídrica y Derecho a la Seguridad Alimentaria de Comunidades Indígenas Andino-bolivianas del Titicaca en la cuenca Katari
    (Universidad Católica Boliviana "'San Pablo". Programa VLIR - UOS., 2024-01-30) Rivera Gironas, Nicole; Garnica Gonzalez, Camila Abril; Salvatierra Terrazas, Belen Isamar; Villafuerte Philippsborn, Leonardo; Agramont Akiyama, Afnan
    Las comunidades Indígenas Andino-bolivianas del Titicaca dependen a menudo de sus recursos naturales para garantizar su seguridad alimentaria, lo que las hace especialmente vulnerables a fluctuaciones ambientales y cambios en el ecosistema. Bajo ese criterio, el presente estudio aplica una metodología cualitativa para analizar la relación existente entre la seguridad alimentaria de las comunidades de la región de la bahía de Cohana (tomando como caso de estudio a la comunidad de Chojasivi) y la contaminación hídrica presente en la cuenca Katari. Los resultados revelan que dicha contaminación ha generado un efecto potencial en el acceso, disponibilidad, uso y estabilidad en el tiempo de los alimentos que componen la canasta básica de los comunarios.
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    Critical Analysis of Stakeholders in the Municipality of Tarija, Bolivia, in Search of Strategies for Adequate Water Governance to Implement Reverse Osmosis as an Alternative for Generating Safe Water for Its Inhabitants
    (Universidad Católica Boliviana "'San Pablo". Programa VLIR - UOS., 2023-09-04) Villena-Martínez, Esteban Manuel; Alvizuri Tintaya, Paola Andrea; Lo-Iacono-Ferreira, Vanesa Gladys; Lora-García, Jaime; Torregrosa López, Juan Ignacio; Sánchez Barrero, Lorena; Fernández, Alejandra Leigue; D’Abzac, Paul
    The accelerated deterioration of water quality in the city of Tarija, Bolivia, has caused several water sources in the Municipality of Tarija to be discontinued due to the presence of toxic contaminants. The current water purification systems that are used in Tarija do not guarantee the elimination of heavy metals; in addition, political and social interest conflicts are a serious problem in the execution of projects and new public investment alternatives, with these being the main problems found in the sector. Reverse osmosis (RO) water purification technologies are one of the most effective contemporary alternatives for the elimination of contaminants in water, such as heavy metals; however, their application and implementation in countries with little or no experience in this type of technology require acceptance and knowledge on behalf of the interested parties. Political and social conflicts between interested parties generate scenarios that affect hydrological planning. Analysis of the actors in the urban and municipal sphere of the city of Tarija, Bolivia, provides a case study for adequate water governance and enabled us to come to a consensus for the implementation of RO. The results show 23 fundamental actors in water management in the Municipality of Tarija, with local actors being those with the greatest influence and power in decision-making. Our analysis of social networks showed an important polarization in the power of decision makers, with municipalities and legislative entities being those that decide on public investments. The interested parties showed considerable interest in the application of RO as a technology that can provide definitive, short-term solutions to the problems of water stress and the water crisis in the Municipality of Tarija and its application in small towns with a high level of social and environmental vulnerability.
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    Mathematical and Statistical Evaluation of Reverse Osmosis in the Removal of Manganese as a Way to Achieve Sustainable Operating Parameters
    (Universidad Católica Boliviana "'San Pablo". Programa VLIR - UOS., 2023-08-10) Alvizuri-Tintaya, Paola Andrea; Villena-Martínez, Esteban Manuel; Lo-Iacono-Ferreira, Vanesa; Torregrosa-López, Juan Ignacio; Lora-García, Jaime; d’Abzac, Paul
    Manganese is the Earth’s crust’s third most abundant transition metal. Decades of increased mining activities worldwide have inevitably led to the release of large amounts of this metal into the environment, specifically in water resources. Up to a certain level, manganese acts as an essential micronutrient to maintain health and support the growth and development of microorganisms, plants, and animals, while above a specific limit, manganese can cause toxicity in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. There are conventional ways to remove manganese from water, such as chemical precipitation, sorption, and biological methods. However, other treatments have yet to be studied much, such as reverse osmosis (RO), which has demonstrated its effectiveness in the removal of heavy metals and could be a suitable alternative for manganese removal if its energy consumption is reduced. This research presents mathematical and statistical modeling of the behavior of a system in laboratory-scale RO. The principal finding was that it is possible to remove Mn using the RO operated with low pressures without decreasing the sustainable removal efficiency. Reducing the operating costs of RO opens the possibility of implementing RO in different contexts where there are problems with water contamination and economic limitations.
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    Tendencias en investigación sobre medios de comunicación y su incidencia en el medio ambiente
    (Universidad Católica Boliviana "'San Pablo". Programa VLIR - UOS., 2023-06-15) Guardia Crespo, Marcelo; Afnan Agramont, Akiyama
    El presente artículo analiza las características de la investigación que relaciona el contenido mediático con los problemas ambientales mundiales. Realiza una revisión de literatura científica que aborda la comunicación y el medio ambiente para conocer la tendencia en investigación. El análisis concluye que los estudios científicos dirigen principal atención al contenido del periodismo, sin tomar en cuenta otros formatos que transmiten los medios de comunicación. Los resultados evidencian la falta de investigación en torno a la publicidad y su influencia en el consumismo, cuyas consecuencias contribuyen a la degradación del medio ambiente e incrementan la depredación de recursos naturales, más allá de favorecer el cuidado del medio ambiente a través de estrategias sensibilizadoras y educativas en sus diversos formatos
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    Determination of the natural potential groundwater recharge in the Valle Alto basin, Bolivia, through a soil water balance
    (Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo"- CReA - VLIR-UOS., 2022-10-12) Apaza Coria, Cristian J.; Rodriguez-Levy, Inti E.; Delfin Soruco, Mirko; Huysmans, Marijke
    The Valle Alto basin in Bolivia is of national importance as an agricultural area and its water resources are essential for the subsistence of the local population and vital for the economic development of the country. Guaranteeing groundwater availability in this basin is crucial, considering that aquifers are the main source of water for irrigation and human consumption. In order to manage these resources sustainably, it is necessary to know the location and extent of the groundwater recharge. Thus, a soil water balance was performed using the Schosinsky method, in order to calculate the recharge rate and delimit the potential groundwater recharge areas in the Valle Alto basin. Rainfall was considered as the main input source for the model and 24 biophysical variables were characterized. This characterization included the evaluation of global circulation models, the geospatial delimitation of soil units and the analysis of 212 soil profiles. Based on the monthly balance, an annual recharge rate of 65.68 mm was estimated for the 2006–2020 period, corresponding to 121.11 × 106 m3 of recharged water. Of this volume, 80% is produced during the wet season (from December to March) and, spatially, the northeast region of the basin has the greatest potential for groundwater recharge. The obtained results from this research constitute an initial but important milestone, as they are the first of this nature for the Valle Alto basin on a regional level. Spanish: En Bolivia, la cuenca del Valle Alto es de gran importancia nacional como área agrícola y sus recursos hídricos son esenciales para la subsistencia de la población local y vitales para el desarrollo económico del país. Garantizar la disponibilidad de agua subterránea en esta cuenca es crucial, considerando que sus acuíferos son la principal fuente de agua para riego y consumo humano. Para gestionar estos recursos de forma sostenible, es necesario conocer la ubicación y la capacidad de las zonas recarga del agua subterránea. En tal sentido, para esta investigación se calculó un balance hídrico del suelo mediante el método propuesto por Schosinsky, con el fin de calcular la tasa de recarga y delimitar las áreas potenciales de recarga hídrica en la cuenca del Valle Alto. Se consideró la lluvia como la principal fuente de entrada del modelo y se caracterizaron 24 variables biofísicas. Esta caracterización incluyó la evaluación de modelos de circulación global, la delimitación geoespacial de unidades de suelo y el análisis de 212 perfiles de suelo. Con base en el balance mensual, se estimó una tasa de recarga anual de 65.68 mm para el período 2006–2020, correspondiente a 121.11 × 106 m3 de agua recargada. De este volumen, el 80% se produce durante la estación húmeda (de diciembre a marzo). Por otro lado, se determinó que la región noreste de la cuenca tiene el mayor potencial de recarga de aguas subterráneas. Los resultados obtenidos de esta investigación constituyen un hito inicial pero importante, ya que son los primeros de esta naturaleza para la cuenca del Valle Alto a nivel regional.
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    (Universidad Católica Boliviana "'San Pablo". Programa VLIR - UOS., 2023-07-10) Figueroa Márquez, Ingrid Fabiana; Leigue Fernández, María Alejandra; Angulo Reyes, María Rosalva
    Water purification continues to be a matter of concern in several rural areas in Bolivia. Within SDG 6, affordable and accessible methods are sought for water treatment in remote areas. This work aimed to evaluate the efficiency as a coagulant-flocculant of the mucilage obtained from the Prickly Pear (Opuntia ficus - indica), a wild-growing plant, to remove turbidity from the surface and synthetic waters. The mucilage was extracted with 96% ethanol, dried and pulverized. Turbidity, coagulant dose, and initial pH modification were determined. River water samples with turbidity between 117 to 120 NTU and synthetic water with turbidity between 50 to 683 NTU were used. The optimal dose for river water was 35 mg/L and an efficiency of 80.40±1.16% and 20 mg/L and 82.9±1.68% efficiency for synthetic water of similar turbidity. In both cases, the pH of the water did not change. The results show that the mucilage is more efficient in water with high turbidity (>110 NTU). Additionally, coagulation, followed by a filtration stage, would allow reaching the turbidity established in the regulations for drinking water.
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    (Universidad Católica Boliviana "'San Pablo". Programa VLIR - UOS., 2023-07-10) Ruiz Martínez, Stephanie Sabrina; Vega Guzmán, Álvaro; Angulo Reyes, María Rosalva; Leigue Fernández, María Alejandra
    In the last decade, Bolivia has consolidated its position as one of the main producers of hydrocarbons and their derivatives, but due to hydrocarbon activities, large oil spills have occurred throughout the country, affecting the flora, fauna, soil and water in different regions. Soil alterations caused by oil spills and/or its derivatives, caused accidentally or by bad practices, affect the physicochemical and biological properties of the soil, irremediably degrading it. The objective was to evaluate in a pilot scale experiment, the results of the use of sewage sludge in the bioremediation process of soils contaminated with hydrocarbons and/or their derivatives. The experiment lasted 90 days and consisted of 7 plots of contaminated soil to which stabilized sludge was added at concentrations of 0%, 30%, 50% and 70%, all with a duplicate except for the 0% treatment. Total heterotrophs, nitrates, phosphates and TPH were evaluated monthly in each plot. The results were satisfactory in terms of TPH removal, especially in the plot containing 30% sewage sludge and 70% contaminated soil; this plot obtained a minimum of 42.9% removal of the contaminant.