Artículos, papers, working paper.
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Item Bolivia: Impact of Shocks and Poverty Policy on Household Welfare(Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo". Escuela de la producción y la competitividad., 2004) Barja Daza, Gover; Monterrey Arce, Javier; Villarroel Börth, SergioEsta investigación realiza un análisis de los impactos de corto plazo en la pobreza de los gastos pro-pobres y el gasto social total en el período de la recesión económica boliviana (1998-2002). Las características observadas de la recesión fueron simuladas a tracés de la simulación de los impactos de los shocks y el gasto social en un entorno de bajo crecimiento: i) en los agregados macroecónomicos del consumo, ingreso, ahorro y precios (basado en un modelo estático simple 1-2-3); ii) en los niveles de ingreso y consumo de los hogares y iii) en indicadores de pobreza basados en el consumo. This paper evaluates the short term impacts on poverty of pro-poor expenditure and total social expenditure during the 1999-2002 period of Bolivian economic recession. Observed characteristics of recession are simulated by the combined effects of negative terms of trade shock, reduction in foreign saving flows and low output growth. Evaluation is performed by simulating the impacts of shocks and social expenditures in an environment of low growth: i) on macro aggregates of consumption, income, saving and prices (based on a simple static 1-2-3 model built with 1998 data as the base year), ii) on household income and consumption levels by quintiles and areas, and iii) on consumption based poverty indicators by areas.Item Institutional Design and Implicit Incentives in Bolivia's Decentralization Model. Diseño institucional e incentivos implícitos en la descentralización boliviana(Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo". Escuela de la producción y la competitividad., 2013-05) Barja Daza, Gover; Villarroel Börth, Sergio; Zavaleta Castellón, DavidThe second generation fiscal federalism (SGFF) approach is used as a reference to analyze the political and fiscal institutional design of Bolivia’s decentralization model and its evolution. Subnational public finance data up to 2008 is used to verify that decentralization of expenditure was higher than that of revenue, establishing a context of vertical fiscal imbalance that increased due to growing fiscal transfers during the positive external shock (boom) period. Consequently, the subnational fiscal surplus was not a result of internal efficiency but of excess revenues from such transfers. Panel models were estimated to identify and assess the implicit incentives embedded in fiscal institutions of the decentralization model.